Section 1.01 Sustainability Vision
As Birikim Varlık Yönetim A.Ş. (Company), we aim to increase added value in our activities by considering social, environmental, and corporate governance factors. In this context, we build our sustainability approach on the foundation of corporate governance principles, ethical rules, and long-term value creation for society and the environment. We believe that achieving long-term success requires creating value for our stakeholders, debtors, and society. Therefore, we adopt an approach that adheres to global standards, prioritizes the sustainability of natural resources and the environment, and considers the needs of future generations.
Section 1.02 Structure
Sustainability practices within the Company are developed, coordinated, planned, and monitored under the leadership of the Board of Directors.
Section 1.03 Sustainability Principles
- Adopting Corporate Governance Principles as part of the Company's culture.
- Ensuring ethical rules and human rights are upheld in all our operations.
- Prioritizing employee satisfaction and well-being, providing a working environment where they can develop and feel secure.
- Recognizing Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) as a priority and eliminating factors that may cause workplace accidents.
- Preventing all forms of discrimination and promoting equal opportunities and diversity.
- Maximizing customer and supplier satisfaction.
- Collaborating with suppliers who respect society and the environment.
- Ensuring confidentiality and information security, clearly and transparently communicating our sensitivity on this matter to our debtors.
- Complying with all national and international legal requirements to which we are subject.
- Sharing our sustainability policies and practices transparently with the public.
- Ensuring equality in human rights among employees and avoiding discrimination.
- Maintaining financial and operational sustainable growth to create value for all shareholders.
- Conducting our activities in compliance with laws and regulations within the framework of sustainability principles.
- Raising awareness within the Company to create an environmentally and socially responsible work environment.
Section 1.04 In this regard, as Birikim Varlık A.Ş., we commit to:
- Not tolerating any form of discrimination based on language, religion, race, gender, philosophical belief, sect, etc.
- Maintaining our relationships with stakeholders based on honesty, trust, impartiality, and transparency.
- Providing equal opportunities to all our employees from the recruitment process throughout their careers.
- Ensuring a sustainable, safe, and prosperous working environment for our employees.
- Continuing necessary audits and practices within the scope of our ethical principles without disruption.
- Considering the principle of equal opportunity in management and specialized positions with qualified workforce.
- Establishing policies for the protection of personal data and data security.
- Creating an environmentally and socially responsible work environment and conducting our activities in compliance with applicable laws and regulations.
Legal Requirements
- In all our processes, we respect the rule of law, comply with national and international laws, and adhere to other regulations that our institution is obligated to follow.
2021-12 General Assembly Meeting Minutes
Extraordinary General Assembly Meeting Minutes held on 12.11.2021
2020-12 General Assembly Meeting Minutes
2019-12 General Assembly Meeting Minutes
2018-12 General Assembly Meeting Minutes
2018-02 General Assembly Meeting Minutes
2017-04 General Assembly Meeting Minutes
2016-12 General Assembly Meeting Minutes
2016-10 General Assembly Meeting Minutes